Auto‑connect settings
When auto-connect is enabled, the Origin software automatically attempts to connect to the GNSS receiver or conventional instrument connected to the controller as soon as you start the software. For a list of supported instruments and receivers, see Supported equipment.
When the software is attempting to connect to a device, the auto‑connect icon in the status bar flashes. If the software is configured to automatically connect to different types of devices, the status bar shows a different icon as the software attempts to connect to each type of device.
You do not have to wait for the software to auto-connect. To force the software to connect to the device connected to the controller at any time, select the survey style and start the survey.
If the auto‑connect icon displays multiple icons and a red x , then auto‑connect has been disabled for all device types.
- To open the Auto-connect settings:
- Tap the auto‑connect icon in the status bar before you connect to a device.
- Tap and select Settings / Connections. Select the Auto‑connect tab.
To speed up the automatic connection time, clear the check boxes in the Auto‑connect tab to disable auto‑connect for devices you do not usually connect to.
The options in this screen depend on your Origin software license.
- If you are connecting to the instrument using any connection method except a cable, select the appropriate tab in the Connections screen for your connection method and configure the connection.
When you use Instrument functions to disconnect from the total station, auto‑connect is temporarily disabled.
To re‑enable auto‑connect, tap the auto‑connect icon in the status bar. When auto‑connect has been temporarily disabled, a single tap re‑enables auto‑connect, and a second tap is required to display the Auto‑connect tab of the Connections screen.
To connect to a third-party instrument, you must force a connection by starting the survey. When using third-party instruments, disable auto‑connect. Some commands used by auto‑connect can interfere with the communication of third-party instruments.
For improved connection reliability, auto-connect to a GNSS receiver is now automatically disabled for all controllers when the software connects to any conventional instrument. Auto-connect is automatically re-enabled when the connection to the instrument ends, or when an integrated survey is started.
If the software is configured for Rover mode or Base mode, the software attempts to auto‑connect to the receiver configured in the Bluetooth tab of the Connections screen:
- If the software is in Rover mode, it attempts to connect to the receiver configured in the Connect to GNSS rover field.
- If the software is in Base mode, it attempts to connect to the receiver configured in the Connect to GNSS base field.
To view or set the current mode, tap and select Receiver settings / GNSS functions.
If there is no receiver configured in the appropriate field in the Bluetooth tab, then the software attempts to connect to the GNSS receiver on the serial port of the controller; and if a receiver is detected it assumes it is the receiver for the current mode.
If you are connecting a controller running Android to an SP60 receiver, turn off the Auto-connect to GNSS receivers function in Origin, and always power up the receiver and wait until it is tracking satellites before attempting to connect the software to the receiver. If you attempt to connect to the SP60 receiver from the controller before the SP60 is ready then the Bluetooth pairing to the receiver can be lost.