Adding points and lines in the map
From the map you can create new points, lines, and polygons in the job using a variety of software functions.
Measure new points using position information from the connected GNSS receiver or conventional survey instrument.
To measure points, tap Measure to open the Measure topo or Measure point form and select the measurement method.
If you have not yet started a survey, the software prompts you to start a survey.
See Measure.
To easily code points as specific feature types as you measure them, use the Measure codes form.
In the map, use existing points and lines in the job to create new features:
Offset a line
Create a new line or polyline by offsetting an existing line or polyline.
Create a surface
Select three or more existing points to create a surface and store it as a triangulated terrain model (TTM) file in the current project folder. You can then use the surface to calculate a volume.
Compute an intersection
Compute and store an intersection point for two or three intersecting items.
See Compute intersection.
Draw lines
Draw line and arc features using feature coded points already in the job using the CAD toolbar.
See CAD toolbar.
Key in new points and lines, if needed by selecting existing points and lines from the map or by entering coordinates for new points from the keypad.
Select items in the map and use them in other software functions, for example to perform a Cogo calculation or to create a surface.
When you use an item in a linked file in a Cogo calculation or to create a point in the job, Origin copies the attributes of the item from the file and stores them with the point, polyline or polygon in the job.
See Cogo calculations.
You can quickly measure and store construction points or waypoints that you can use to create other points and lines.
If the controller is connected to a GNSS receiver, or you are using a controller with internal GPS, you can quickly store a point, such as a waypoint, without having to start a survey. Tap and hold an empty space in the map and select Store a point.
If you have started a conventional survey or a GNSS RTK survey, you can quickly measure a construction point. tap next to the Point name field in the Cogo or Key in screen and then select Fast fix:
Typically, a construction point is used in Cogo functions or when keying in lines, arcs, or polylines.