GNSS survey measure methods

The types of points that you can measure in a GNSS survey depend on the type of GNSS survey configured in the survey style.

To measure points during a GNSS survey, tap and select Measure / Measure points, or in the map, with nothing selected, tap Measure.

In the Method field, select:

  • Topo point to measure a topographic point.
  • Observed control point to measure a point with an extended occupation time and quality control information.

    If the Topo point is configured to perform 180 measurements in the GNSS point options screen, the positional result is the same as a point measured using the observed control point measurement method.

  • Calibration point to measure a point during site calibration.
  • Rapid point to quickly measure a point with no minimum occupation time.

    In an RTK and Data logging survey, points measured using the Rapid point method are not saved to the T01/T02 file and are not available for postprocessing.

  • Hz. tilt offset to measure a horizontal tilt offset point using the azimuth of the pole from IMU tilt compensation and a keyed‑in offset distance.

    The Hz. tilt offset method is available only when using a receiver with IMU tilt compensation enabled and a properly aligned IMU.

  • MultiTilt point to measure a point using three contributing tilted eBubble measurements.

    MultiTilt is available only when using a receiver with an eBubble. It is not available in data logging surveys or when IMU tilt compensation is active.

  • Fast static to measure points without tracking satellites between points. This option is available only when in a FastStatic survey.

If you are using a receiver with IMU tilt compensation and the IMU is aligned, then IMU tilt compensation is "active" and you can use IMU tilt compensation for any measurement method except observed control point. When measuring an observed control point, the receiver automatically switches to GNSS-only mode. If IMU tilt compensation is enabled but the IMU is not aligned, you can level the pole using the GNSS eBubble and measure a topo point without IMU tilt compensation, or measure an observed control point.

From the Measure menu, you can also:

  • Use Measure codes to measure and code observations in one step.
  • Use Measure to surface to calculate and store the closest distance from the measured point to the selected surface.
  • Use Continuous topo to measure a line of points at a fixed interval.

See also: