To measure a check point
In a conventional survey, measure a check class point to check the station setup and make sure the instrument is oriented correctly.
- To open the Check shot screen:
- From the Measure topo screen, tap Check.
- In the map, tap and hold the point to measure to and then select Check shot.
- From anywhere in the software, press Ctrl + K.
The Check shot screen appears, ready to take a check measurement to a general point.
To take a check measurement to a backsight point, tap Chk BS in the Check shot screen, or tap and hold in the map without selecting a point and then select Check backsight. The Check backsight screen appears.
Enter the name of the point to check.
If you are using a servo or robotic instrument, it turns to the point to be checked.
If the point is a backsight point, the backsight target is automatically selected. Make sure the details are correct.
- Select a measurement method and enter the required information for the selected method.
Enter the height of the target.
When measuring to the notch on a Spectra Geospatial traverse prism base, tap
and then select S notch.
Tap Measure.
If you selected View before storage in the Topo point settings screen, the check shot deltas are shown.
If the station setup is:
- the same as when you originally measured the point, the deltas are the difference in values between the original observation and the check observation. The deltas displayed are horizontal angle, vertical distance, horizontal distance, and slope distance.
- different from when you originally measured the point, the deltas are in terms of the best coordinates from the original point to the check point. The deltas displayed are azimuth, vertical distance, horizontal distance, and slope distance.
If the point is out of tolerance, you can Store as check, or Store and reorient. Store and reorient will store another observation that will provide a new orientation for subsequent points measured in the current station setup. In a multiple backsight station setup (station setup plus or resection), a check backsight measurement checks the first backsight. Storing and reorienting effectively changes the multiple backsight station setup into a single station setup.
- Tap Enter. The point is stored with a classification of Check. See Managing points with duplicate names.